Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Strange Dream

I had the strangest dream this morning.
It was a movie-like romance with an underlying theme of religion.
How strange and detailed. 
From what I remember the movie started with two children (boy & girl). My perspective was through the girl's eyes. She found herself on the streetcar heading to a destination, but she missed her stop because everyone who was getting off did not ring the bell. She she missed it and for some reason the street car encountered many detours because of construction. Oh BTW this was set in downtown Toronto. So she arrived to a place where she was familiar and decided to get off there. She stood waiting to exit in the front doors of the streetcar and there she saw a family with a boy who was older than her talking about Jesus. "Jesus is coming soon and know where he is going to arrive at and when", he said. She listened, but disagreed. So she spoke up and said, "No one knows the exact time or place that Jesus will come." With that comment said the boy and his parents looked at her with astonishment and a bit of anger.
The scene ends and opens with this little girl sitting on a pew with the boy and his family. This part was a blur. So something happened to the girl, as if she spoke out during the service and the family was very angry and pushed her away, or told her to leave the church.

Now she is older and she was waiting at the streetcar stop. This area looked a lot like Dundas & Bathurst in front of the Scadding Court Community Centre. So she is waiting for her streetcar and out of the corner of her eyes she sees this man trying to speak to people about his religion. She could not make out what he says but he was selling booklets to people for $2. It dawned on her that it was the same boy she met so long ago. She goes up to him and speaks to him. She was the only one who decides to buy one from him. She took this opportunity to speak to him what she knows about religion.

Next scene I take the perspective of the audience and sees them walking hand in hand into what turns out to be a radio station. There is where the boy tells the story of transformation and love. The two characters end up being married and the boy is shown a new light into the truth.

This dream felt so real. I woke up and thought this would be a good movie to be made. But perhaps it was already written.

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