Thursday, May 19, 2011


You know, in my profession you get to meet lots of parents and caregivers. There are many parents who are not up to par with teaching their children proper ways to socialize. And then there are some (which are a select few) that are so great at what they do.
Ironically I think that most caregivers do a better job at parenting than the parent themselves. Yes it is a sad realization for me, therefore I am debating with myself if I want to have children. I'm afraid I will turn out to be one of those parent's whom I dislike.
Here's an example: One parent stood there watching and listening to her child as this child stood there and demanded that the teacher find her hair-tie that the child lost.The parent did nothing and said nothing about the way the child spoke to the adult. The parent just said, "Come on (child's name), let's go."
Come on now folks! Who allows their child to speak to an adult like that and not say anything about it afterwards.

I've also encountered sensitive parents who feel that any type of name calling is inappropriate. When their child is upset that he/she had been called a fruit, the parent speaks as though his/her child has been blasted with the world's most severe swear word. A FRUIT!!!!!!!!! Gosh sakes, wake up!!! Your child will encounter worse things in the future than being called a fruit. You cannot always fight their battles for them, nor can you find everything little thing offensive.


I know I may be unprofessional when I speak of bad parenting, because I'm sure that all parents do the best they can with what they have. But its just that I also see great parents out there in which I observe and wish that I had that kind of support and love when I was growing up. And great parents are so vital in shaping your child's behaviour.

Today a parent came to pick up their child, and their child was playing a game. That parent decided to jump right in and join the fun. I watched the faces of those children who were participating and noticed that every child who was there, wished that their own parent was just as engaging. Now folks, that is a great parent. Spend time with your child! Don't just think that as long as you have their basic needs (room & board & food) covered, it doesn't mean that its enough. Its in those moments of time spent with your child(ren) is how your child learns about anything and everything.

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