Thursday, May 19, 2011


You know, in my profession you get to meet lots of parents and caregivers. There are many parents who are not up to par with teaching their children proper ways to socialize. And then there are some (which are a select few) that are so great at what they do.
Ironically I think that most caregivers do a better job at parenting than the parent themselves. Yes it is a sad realization for me, therefore I am debating with myself if I want to have children. I'm afraid I will turn out to be one of those parent's whom I dislike.
Here's an example: One parent stood there watching and listening to her child as this child stood there and demanded that the teacher find her hair-tie that the child lost.The parent did nothing and said nothing about the way the child spoke to the adult. The parent just said, "Come on (child's name), let's go."
Come on now folks! Who allows their child to speak to an adult like that and not say anything about it afterwards.

I've also encountered sensitive parents who feel that any type of name calling is inappropriate. When their child is upset that he/she had been called a fruit, the parent speaks as though his/her child has been blasted with the world's most severe swear word. A FRUIT!!!!!!!!! Gosh sakes, wake up!!! Your child will encounter worse things in the future than being called a fruit. You cannot always fight their battles for them, nor can you find everything little thing offensive.


I know I may be unprofessional when I speak of bad parenting, because I'm sure that all parents do the best they can with what they have. But its just that I also see great parents out there in which I observe and wish that I had that kind of support and love when I was growing up. And great parents are so vital in shaping your child's behaviour.

Today a parent came to pick up their child, and their child was playing a game. That parent decided to jump right in and join the fun. I watched the faces of those children who were participating and noticed that every child who was there, wished that their own parent was just as engaging. Now folks, that is a great parent. Spend time with your child! Don't just think that as long as you have their basic needs (room & board & food) covered, it doesn't mean that its enough. Its in those moments of time spent with your child(ren) is how your child learns about anything and everything.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thought of the Day

Just came out of the shower again and again I feel compelled to write something.
I was just thinking about life and my immediate future. I don't like when I do this, but I just feel so much in despair. I feel so stuck in a my rut that I just want to give up on everything. I'm so deathly afraid that I won't find a job for the summer that my insides are shaking in stress.
Whenever I have stress, I think about it so much that I can't take it anymore and I just let it go. But letting go means to forget about it until the next time I feel the need to stress myself out again. Thus the cycle keeps going.
I really don't know what to do. I don't think the "rain" is going to let up.
The weather these past couple of days really mirror my heart. And boy does it hurt!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blog Down

There are times where you want to write something down and there are times where you just write something for the sake of writing something. This site was down for a few days and I had something to write a few days ago.
Now I've forgotten what I wanted to write now that this site is up and working.

Oh I just remembered what I was thinking while I was in the shower.
I was thinking what I would say at my speech for my wedding reception. I've always thought of that moment as where I"ll just be as quiet as possible so that I won't make a fool out of myself.
But tonight I thought of something that I really feel I want to say to everyone attending. I would say something like this:

"I've always thought love would be an easy act to do because I feet like I have so much of it. But I soon realized that love is something that takes a lot of work and sacrifice, even if it comes naturally to you. We had a lot of obstacles in our relationship. Lots of people shaking their heads of disagreement at us; a few friends were lost along the way, and a lot of stress and inappropriate behaviours & actions from fully grown adults. For us to arrive to this point is a testament of what just a little sacrifice can result from. For those who were and still are unbelievers of our sustainability, I hope that you were not invited, but if you are here, I'd like to say that you were wrong and we have overcome your negativity.
I want to thank those of you who have supported us thus far, it is greatly appreciated and would welcome continued support in our marriage. Cause most of you out there know that marriage is a far different ballgame, but we are standing here committed to each other saying that we love each other enough to begin another chapter of our lives.
Thank you to my family and friends who have always been there for me.
Thank you all for being here to witness our love thus far,"

I've been with my boyfriend for about 3.5 years now. We have discussed about being together for the long run, but since we are not financially stable, there is no way we can get married.
I think about marriage all the time. I see most of my friends getting married and I sigh a sigh of wanting the same thing. I even witness people I know who are younger than me getting married..and I sigh a bigger sigh of wanting. I can't really say its jealousy because I am genuinely happy for them.
It would be nice to be married,but its not nice to be married without a stable job.. so I'll have to suck it up and wait.